Programming lessons for K-12 institutions


The EXPLORE Series provides schools with semester-long programming courses for students of all ages.

Younger students are taught block-based languages such as Scratch and Hopscotch; older students learn more advanced content using Python and MIT App Inventor. Each course is led by one or more of our trained instructors.

Our Values


Continuity is important for early-stage learners; our courses run in semesters, not weeks. By providing a structured curriculum that progresses incrementally, we maximise student understanding and avoid cognitive overload.


Our courses are not “one size fits all”, as we understand the diverse needs of schools. We communicate closely with each client to deliver a fully customised curriculum. We are also happy to discuss integrations with other academic subjects.


Our mission is not to produce an army of computer scientists. Our lessons teach programming with a focus on algorithmic thinking and problem-solving. We want students to become holistic individuals; the skills they gain are transferable to any field of study they may later pursue.

Our Offerings

We conduct our courses using different platforms, depending on the age group and specific learning objectives.



Lower Primary

A minimalistic, intuitive interface for iPad that allows students to start programming from an early age.



Upper Primary

A full-featured block-based online platform for making games and interactive presentations.

App Inventor

App Inventor


A visual programming language for creating Android applications. Prototype and test with real devices on the fly.




A powerful, versatile programming language, suitable for making a simple platform game, or taking the first steps in data science.

Learn More

See how your school can integrate a computer science education into its curriculum.